ISIGrowth research published in ETUI handbook

The research on the effects of the Jobs Act has been recently published in the ETUI report “Myths of employment deregulation”

The research on the effects of the last Italian labour market reform – so called the “Jobs Act” – by Valeria Cirillo, Marta Fana and Dario Guarascio under the research project ISIGrowth on Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth – that has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 – has been recently published in the ETUI report titled “Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation” edited by Agnieszka Piasna and Martin Myant.

The book is a collection of empirical studies on the evidences of labour market deregulation policies and performances in some European economies (Spain, Italy, Estonia, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, France, Denmark and United Kingdom).

The work explores labour market trends in Italy following the introduction of the Jobs Act, paying particular attention to the regional dimension and taking advantage of two main sources of data: the labour force survey (LFS) and the administrative data on labour contracts (INPS). Regional analysis of employment is particularly important since the structural weaknesses of the Italian economy – stagnant productivity, persistent youth and female unemployment and widespread lack of job security – affect the southern regions to a greater degree.

Download here the article

Download here the working paper “Labour market reforms in Italy: evaluating the effects of the Jobs Act”