ISIGrowth project rated as “excellent'' by the European Commission

A recently released assessment by the EU Commission defines the project as a “best practice one, carried out with enthusiasm by a group of leading researchers in the area of innovation studies’’
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The New European Deal: a policy plan for innovation-fuelled, sustainable and inclusive growth
The results of the EU-funded ISIGrowth project presented at the Final Conference held in Brussels on June 19th
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The New European Deal

For the last three years the researchers of the ISIGrowth project have been working to provide a diagnostic of European crisis. The third ISIGrowth short documentary summarizes some of the main project findings
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The Green Transition

In the fifth Policy brief ISIGrowth researchers have analysed the conditions to move away from a fossil fuel-based economy, while spurring growth and employment
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Rebalancing labour power for a sustainable and inclusive growth
The fourth ISIGrowth Policy Brief highlights the main findings of the project focusing on the relationship between the organization of labour markets, technological change and income distribution
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Patient Finance and Industrial Strategy, a workshop at the UK Parliament
The event, organized by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, has taken place on June 13th
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ISIGrowth results presented at a Conference in Lyon

Andrea Roventini presents the project’s main findings on macroeconomic policy and agent-based models on June 5th
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Financial Stability, a major workshop in Paris

ISIGrowth organises a workshop in Paris, to be held on June 11th, with central bankers and academic scholars
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ISIGrowth participates at a conference at Stanford University
The 2nd Research Conference on the Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network is taking place on June 7th and 8th
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ISIGrowth results presented at the Trento Festival of Economics
ISIGrowth Giovanni Dosi and Andrea Roventini take part at the event held in Trento from May 31th to June 1st
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Mission-oriented innovation policy: challenges and opportunities
The third ISIGrowth’s policy brief, written by Mariana Mazzucato, sets out how governments can pursue an economic growth that is smart, inclusive and sustainable
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The financialization in the EU and its consequences
In order to enable finance to remain a driver for innovative and inclusive economic growth, financialization should be contained. Just published the second ISIGrowth Policy Brief
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A Europe that works. An industrial policy for a good growth
An EU-wide industrial policy could drive the rise of new sustainable growth. Four policy proposals from the ISIGrowth’s Civic Action Network for building a new industrial policy
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Investing out of the crisis

Europe can move towards an inclusive, sustainable and innovation-friendly growth-path as long as it renews its economic policy agenda
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A labour-friendly Europe. Alternative policies for labour, employment and wages
From a wage led growth strategy and a European minimum wage to the role of the new technologies. Six proposals from the ISIGrowth’s Civic Action Network for building an alternative labour policy in Europe
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Mission-oriented innovation in the EU. A problem-solving approach
The Report written by Mariana Mazzucato at the request of the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, has just been published. A public consultation has been open until April 3rd
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Regulating the Internet Giants, a major event in London
The event, organised by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, discussed a recent legislative proposal from the Italian Senate. It has been held on March 1st at the UK Parliament
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ISIGrowth’s paper included in the European Commission monthly publication
ISIGrowth findings on the effects of labour market reforms have been included in the last discussion paper of the EU Commission
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EU mission-oriented R&I policy, a major workshop in Brussels
ISIGrowth researcher Mariana Mazzucato among the key-note speakers at a workshop organised by the European Parliament
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Mariana Mazzucato appointed Special Advisor on Mission Driven Science and Innovation
ISIGrowth researcher will work close to the EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation in order to promote a new policy agenda
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ISIGrowth findings published by the Oxford University Press
An article published by the Socio Economic Review highlights the negative effects of labour market structural reforms upon unemployment and income inequalities
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An ISIGrowth article published on Social Europe

An overview on the future of the European research and innovation policy is at the centre of an article written by Mario Pianta
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ISIGrowth findings presented at the ASTRIL International Conference
A recent Conference held in Rome devoted a special session to the ISIGrowth project. With a special focus on the European labour market
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Innovation for the Good Society

The second video of the ISIGrowth project has been released. How we can direct ICTs toward innovation and sustainability?
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Europe beyond austerity

The first video of the ISIGrowth project has been released. It is the first of a series of short documentaries aimed at highlighting findings and ideas developed within this project
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Which models for the Central Banks? A workshop in Moscow
ISIGrowth results on agent-based modelling have been presented at a major workshop held in Moscow, November 20th
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Economics and complexity, a seminar in Brazil

A major international seminar jointly promoted by the ISIGrowth project and the Graduate Program in Economic Development (PPGDE) has been held at the University of Parana in Brazil from November 7th to 10th
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How to rethink capitalism

Western capitalism came close to collapsing in 2007/2008, and has still not recovered. And the vast majority of economists had not understood what was happening. The recently released book “Rethinking Capitalism” takes a deeper look at both failures
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ISIGrowth study on Italian labour market reform presented in Brussels

The research has been included in the ETUI publication “Myths of employment deregulation: how it neither creates jobs nor reduces labour market segmentation” and has been presented in Brussels June, 27th
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Insights from the ISIGrowth project at a Conference in Lyon

Recent findings of the ISIGrowth project have been presented at the special session “The impact of labour market flexibility upon skills, innovation and wage dispersion” organised at the SASE Conference in Lyon
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ISIGrowth results presented at a major workshop in Rome
Two ISIGrowth studies have been presented on June 21 during an International Workshop held in Rome at National Research Council of Italy
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The Remaking of the Global Working Class

The Institute of Economics in Pisa organises a seminar with Beverly Silver, professor of Sociology at the John Hopkins University and Director of the Arrighi Center for Global Studies
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“The Entreprenurial State”, a major conference in RomeOrganised by the vice-presidency of the Italian Parliament the conference has been an opportunity to present the latest ISIGrowth results
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ISIGrowth at the EMAEE Conference

ISIGrowth results has been presented at the 10th EMAEE Conference, held in Strasbourg from May 31 to June 3 2017
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ISIGrowth research published in ETUI handbook
The research on the effects of the Jobs Act has been recently published in the ETUI report “Myths of employment deregulation”
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Pisa: Joseph Stiglitz has been awarded a Phd Honoris Causa
On Thursday, May 11, a Doctoral Degree honoris causa in Economics has been awarded to Joseph E. Stiglitz, Nobel prize laureate and member of the ISIGrowth project
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Agent-based methodology, a workshop in Sophia-AntipolisThe agent-based methodology has been at the centre of a major workshop held at the SKEMA Business School on April, 27/28
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The first ISIGrowth annual conference, Brussels, 1-2 June 2016

The ISIGrowth project conference held in Brussels discussed research results and engaged with policy makers and civil society on alternatives for Europe’s growth. Check the main topics, the slides and the videos of some of the key speakers
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Economic policy alternatives:
a survey of civil society views

How can Europe change? Civil society proposals for policy alternatives on socially inclusive and sustainable growth
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Going Digital: the Future of Industry and Jobs

The digital transformation of economies and societies has been at the core of a major workshop held on the 24 of April at the OECD Conference Centre
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Giovanni Dosi awarded the “TIM Wiley Distinguished Scholar Award”

ISIGrowth coordinator has been awarded "the TIM Wiley Distinguished Scholar Award" during the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management
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Latest Working Papers

Threshold Policy Effects and Directed Technical Change in Energy Innovation (11/2018)
by , and
Unconventional Monetary Policy: Between the Past and Future of Monetary Economics (10/2018)
by , and
Choosing sides in the trilemma: international financial cycles and structural change in developing economies (9/2018)
by , and
Rational Heuristics? Expectations and Behaviors in Evolving. Economies with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (8/2018)
by , , , and
Putting Austerity to Bed: Technical progress, aggregate demand and the supermultiplier (7/2018)
by and
Weaker jobs, weaker innovation. Exploring the temporary employment-product innovation nexus (6/2018)
by , and
A literature review on the impact and effectiveness of government support for R&D and innovation (5/2018)
Innovation. Structural Change, and Inclusion. A Cross Country PVAR Analysis (4/2018)
by and
Firm-level pay agreements and within-firm wage inequalities: Evidence across Europe (3/2018)
by , and
Manager Remuneration, Share Buybacks and Firm Performance (2/2018)
by , and
What if supply-side policies are not enough? The perverse interaction of flexibility and austerity (1/2018)
by , , and
Endogenous growth and global divergence in a multi-country agent-based model (31/2017)
by , and
Identifying the community structure of the international food-trade multi network (30/2017)

by , , and

An empirical validation protocol for large-scale agent-based models (29/2017)
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Technological catching-up, sales dynamics and employment growth: evidence from China’s manufacturing firms (28/2017)
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Structural Changes and Growth Regimes (27/2017)
by , , and
Aggregate fluctuations and the distribution of firm growth rates (26/2017)
by , and
Validation of Agent-Based Models in Economics and Finance (25/2017)
by , , , and
Agent-Based Macroeconomics and Classical Political Economy: Some Italian Roots (24/2017)
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Dynamic Increasing Returns and Innovation Diffusion: bringing Polya Urn processes to the empirical data (23/2017)
by , and
Faraway, so Close: Coupled Climate and Economic Dynamics in an Agent-Based Integrated Assessment Model (22/2017)
by , , , and
The demand-pull effect of public procurement on innovation and industrial renewal (21/2017)
by and
Harrodian instability in decentralized economies: an agent-based approach (20/2017)
by Emanuele Russo

check all the ISIGrowth Working Papers

The Project. Research for Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth in EuropeISIGrowth addresses the topic “EURO-2-2014: The European growth agenda” and in particular the dimensions 2 (“Innovation-based growth strategy for Europe”) and 3 (“Global production and innovation networks – costs and benefits for Europe”) of its scope.
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