The Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) is a fully-fledged, self-governing research university specialised in the social-economic sciences and the humanities, which enrols some 11,000 students per year, including 46% of foreign students from more than 150 countries. Sciences Po is the leading research university in the social sciences in France with 60 full-time professors, 215 researchers, 80 foreign professors invited each year and 400 academic partnerships with universities around the world. Sciences Po is home to a doctoral school offering 7 graduate programmes. Based on a multi-disciplinary approach, it associates and combines skills and know-how from the different social sciences – in particular economy, history, political science and sociology and the humanities. Within Sciences Po, the Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques (OFCE) is an independent centre whose activities focus on economic research, forecasting and the evaluation of public policy, taking part in international scientific networks and assuring a regular presence in the media through close cooperation with the French and European authorities.