Giovanni Dosi, Marco Faillo, Virginia Cecchini Manara, Luigi Marengo and Daniele Moschella

Author Archive | Giovanni Dosi, Marco Faillo, Virginia Cecchini Manara, Luigi Marengo and Daniele Moschella


The formalization of organizational capabilities and learning: results and challenges

This work offers an overview of recent formalizations of organizational capabilities and learning. We first present the main characteristics both of NK models and of the approach based on Classifier Systems, focusing on their early applications to organization studies. We then discuss how the use of these models has contributed, in the recent years, to […]

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Institutions Are neither Autistic Maximizers nor Flocks of Birds: Self-organization, Power, and Learning in Human Organizations

In this work we shall attempt an excursus across fundamentally different streams of modern interpretations of the “ primitive entities” constituting the social fabrics of economic systems. Behind each specific interpretative story, there is a set of ceteris paribus assumptions and also some fictitious tale on a ‘once upon a time’ reconstruction of the theoretical […]

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