
Author Archive | ISIGrowth

The New European Deal

For the last three years the researchers of the ISIGrowth project have been working to provide a diagnostic of European crisis. The third ISIGrowth short documentary summarizes some of the main project findings For the last three years, the researchers of the ISIGrowth project have been working to provide a diagnostic of European problems and […]

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The New European Deal: a policy plan for innovation-fuelled, sustainable and inclusive growth

The results of the EU-funded ISIGrowth project presented at the Final Conference held in Brussels on June 19th European growth prospects are still below their potential and the European Union is losing competitiveness. Innovation is sluggish, financialization is increasing, and inequality is rising within and between member states. For the last three years, the researchers […]

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The Green Transition

In the fifth Policy brief ISIGrowth researchers have analysed the conditions to move away from a fossil fuel-based economy, while spurring growth and employment     Climate change is one of the most significant challenges humankind has ever faced. Fostering growth while reducing emissions requires a transition towards low carbon energy technologies and, more extensively, it […]

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Rebalancing labour power for a sustainable and inclusive growth

The fourth ISIGrowth Policy Brief highlights the main findings of the project focusing on the relationship between the organization of labour markets, technological change and income distribution Do more flexible labour markets foster innovation and growth? Historically, measures of flexibilization have often been accompanied by two other policy strategies, namely austerity policies, largely pursued to […]

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ISIGrowth participates at a conference at Stanford University

The 2nd Research Conference on the Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network is taking place on June 7th and 8th ISIGrowth results are presented at a major Conference, the ‘’2nd Research Conference on the Macroeconomic Modelling and Model Comparison Network’’, to be held on June 7th and 8th at Stanford University. Quantitative macroeconomic models play […]

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Financial Stability, a major workshop in Paris

ISIGrowth organises a workshop in Paris, to be held on June 11th, with central bankers and academic scholars The EU-funded ISIGrowth project is organising a major workshop on ‘’Financial Stability: challenges and insights from new tools’’ to be held in Paris on June 11th. The workshop is jointly organised with the University of Sciences Po […]

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