Europe beyond austerity

The first video of the ISIGrowth project has been released. It is the first of a series of short documentaries aimed at highlighting findings and ideas developed within this project.

After one year of research work, the ISIGrowth members organised an important conference in Brussels (1-2 June 2016) gathering top macroeconomic experts, policy makers, and ISIGrowth researchers, with the aim of encouraging a broad discussion about the effects of austerity in Europe – emerging from the analysis carried out within the project – and the main policy responses adopted by European governments.

Key-note speakers included Giovanni Dosi (ISIGrowth scientific coordinator), Alan Kirman (Aix-Marseille Université), James K. Galbraith (Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, UTA), Robert Skidelsky (University of Warwick), Mariana Mazzucato (University of Sussex), Willi Semmler (New School for Social Research), Stefano Battiston (University of Zurich), Arturo O’Connell (Central Bank of the Argentine Republic).

Some of the Conference main analysis have been included in the first ISIGrowth Policy Brief – ‘Investing out of the crisis’ – released in April 2017.

The video The good society. Europe beyond austerity is the first of a series of short documentaries aimed at highlighting the main project’s results.