Giovanni Dosi, Valérie Revest and Alessandro Sapio

Author Archive | Giovanni Dosi, Valérie Revest and Alessandro Sapio


Financial Regimes, Financialization Patterns and Industrial Performances: Preliminary Remarks

The evolutionary taxonomy of financial systems, outlined by Dosi (1990), argued that market-based systems would be comparatively more engaged in the exploration of new technological paradigms, as an outcome of market selective pressure, whereas the more institutionalized finance allocation in credit-based systems would give them an advantage in cumulative learning. This article offers a preliminary […]

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The “Schumpeterian” and the “Keynesian” Stiglitz: Learning, Coordination Hurdles and Growth Trajectories

This work, which shall contribute to the Fest “A Just Society: Honouring Joseph Stiglitz”, discusses a major unifying theme in Joe Stiglitz monumental work, namely, the analysis of economies characterised by persistent learning and coordination hurdles. In his analysis Joe is in many respects a “closet evolutionist” who in fact highlighted and explored many evolutionary […]

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What do firms know? A new look at the relationship between patenting profiles and patterns of product diversification

In this work we analyze the relationship between the patterns of firm diversifica- tion, if any, across product lines and across bodies of innovative knowledge, proxied by the patent classes where the firm is present. Putting it more emphatically we investigate the relationship between “what a firm does” and “what a firm knows”. Using a […]

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Labour Market Flexibility: More a Source of Macroeconomic Fragility than a Recipe for Growth

During the years of the recent European crisis (and also before), the economic policy debate has been marked by the need of labour market structural reforms to boost productivity and GDP growth. This rhetoric has been particularly vivid in the European Union, especially during the current Euro crisis. And the call for such reforms finds […]

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When more Flexibility Yields more Fragility: the Microfoundations of Keynesian Aggregate Unemployment

Wages are an element of cost crucially affecting the competitiveness of individual firms. But the wage bill is also a crucial element of aggregate demand. Hence it could be that more “flexible” and fluid labour markets, while allowing for faster inter-firm reallocation of labour, may also render the whole economic system more fragile, more prone […]

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